#28 – What’s next for tech in schools?
Written by Rebecca Paddick
In this episode, Rebecca Paddick spoke to Mark Anderson, known as the ICT Evangelist, to find out what’s next for tech in schools.
Mark is a former school leader with more than twenty years of experience in the classroom, and is now one of the UK’s most in-demand consultants and trainers, who advocates for the purposeful use of technology.
Mark is also Head of Education at NetSupport, and Co-Founder of Global EdTech and the Global EdTech Awards.
Mark talked about the future potential of generative AI, and the ethical considerations educators and edtech developers prioritise when implementing AI-driven solutions. He also discussed tech’s role in aiding schools to streamline their data on crucial areas like attendance, and what the results of the upcoming election could mean for edtech.
Additional resources:
Global EdTech Awards – https://edtechawardsglobal.com
EdTech Playbook – https://edtechplaybook.co.uk
Mobile phone guidance – https://ictevangelist.com/ten-takeaways-from-the-dfes-mobile-phones-in-schools-guidance/
Little Book of Generative AI prompts – https://ictevangelist.com/free-resource-the-little-book-of-generative-ai-prompts-for-teachers/
AI policy template for schools – https://ictevangelist.com/free-resource-use-of-artificial-intelligence-ai-in-education-school-policy-template/