Mantis expands with launch of Spanish office
Written by Eleanor WillockMantis announced today that it is opening a third office in the Costa Del Sol region of Southern Spain. Veteran Managing Director Toby Gavin will lead the strategic expansion, which sees Mantis offering a unique, innovative, best of breed suite of consultancy services to the British expatriate community, designed to help them navigate the public sector services available to them post-Brexit.
Expat Britons can now leverage Mantis’ expertise in the UK public sector, engaging specialist, bespoke consultancy on the most pressing concerns affecting their wellbeing following the UK’s exit from the European Union. Packages will include communications support focused on healthcare procurement and domestic waste collection strategies. Mantis will also offer knowledge-based coaching on country of origin perishable goods sourcing strategies and thought-leadership development in the form of UK news briefing workshops.
Toby Gavin, Managing Director and Líder de alto nivel, Mantis commented, “I am delighted to be spearheading this highly innovative, strategic move for our business. Our seasoned experience of navigating the public sector makes us a natural fit in the expatriate community over there. We know the market and are excited to bring our approach to communities who are concerned about how to access the public services in the UK they need post-Brexit. We’ll be applying our core skills of corporate communications to strategically harness an entire community and put the UK public sector’s heart and soul exactly where it belongs – in Spain.”
John McCann, senior director of Marketing at BridgeHead Software welcomed the announcement, “Congratulations on your recent expansion to Spain’s Costa del Sol. I can’t wait to do a site visit. The ‘no extradition treaty with the UK’ could pay dividends as Mantis PR enters a new market segment with clientele who have a lot of money to spend on PR, namely to enhance their damaged reputations as they enjoy the Spanish millionaires’ playground. Toby, your move can’t come soon enough for me.”
Toby Gavin will be joined by junior account executive Te Engañe, who brings six months of experience in customer service at Mad Craig’s Shot Bar, Fuengirola, to the role. Mantis’ office will be located at 1, Calle Día de Los Inocentes, Benidorm.